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When it comes to our Creator’s instructions to do good works, we find that the sacred writings of our various faiths call for selfless service and they promise a special inner enrichment for those who answer the call. Regardless of religion, this call is answered by people whose resources are substantial and also by those of very limited means. Some spend millions for the well-being of others. Some can only give a smile and a kind word while breathing not a word of their own troubles. No faith or religion has a monopoly on such blessed people.

For every good deed that we do, including restraining ourselves from wrongdoing, there’s an overt, or outwardly observable beneficialresult. Scriptures tell of an additional inner reward privately given from the Creator to His servants. People of all faiths strive for this enrichment.

On Sunday, June 3, 2018 at 6pm,people of various faiths will gather at the Esplanade, 901 Cordova Station Ave, Cordova, TN for the 12th annual Memphis Interfaith Dinner. The theme this year is Enrichment Through Selflessness with featured speakers Rev. Dr. Gina Stewart of Christ Missionary Baptist Church, Rabbi Dr. Micah Greenstein of Temple Israel, and Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi of Memphis Islamic Center. There will also be interpersonal discussion of the theme.

Guests are welcome, but onlinepreregistration atwww.MemphisInterfaith.orgis required.

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